I am a PhD student at the Chair for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). I studied Informatics with a focus on digital medicine at TUM and received my M.Sc. in 2023. In the past, I worked on semisupervised segmentation of blood vessels in OCTA images. Disease prediction based on computed biomarkers from these segmentation maps provide additional transparency and quality assurance for clinicians. I believe that understanding the reasoning behind neural network decision-making is key in medical machine learning. My current research therefore focuses on network dissection, extracting domain concepts from intermediate feature representations and analyzing their causal relationships.


  • Weakly- and Selfsupervised Machine Learning
  • Network Dissection and Explainability
  • Causal Inference


  • MSc. Informatics, 2023

    Technical University of Munich

  • BSc. Informatics, 2021

    Technical University of Munich